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Quick Start with XLIB
The user manual is largely dedicated to cover specifics of XLIB which will
not be of concern to many programmers. A few notes are added here to expedite
matters for these programmers.
If you are not an assembly language programmer, then consider using EASYX
rather than XLIB. EASYX does not require use or knowledge of assembly
language. The documentation for EASYX is in the file EASYX.DOC.
If you are familiar with assembly language, then start by reading the file
DONTREAD.ME. This file is for those who don't particularly enjoy reading 60
page user manuals. It is an excellent tutorial. You will probably be ready
to program with XLIB after working through the tutorial.
A Note to Previous XLIB Users
Version 4.1 is the sixth generation of XLIB. We appreciate those who have
labored with us through earlier generations when we were stomping several
bugs and correcting deficiencies.
Thanks to your patience and help, XLIB is now a solid product. It is
presently being used in several high tech industries. We feel that XLIB is
the easiest way available to program in protected mode under DOS, and it
remains far less expensive than retail DOS extenders.
Registering XLIB
XLIB may be registered for $40/copy. Registrants will be sent a registered
copy of the XLIB archive along with a printed copy of the user manual. The
registration fee is $60 for those who have used or intend to use technical
support. The additional charges do not pertain to those reporting problems
with XLIB.
There are three ways to register XLIB:
1) By credit card through Public (software) Library:
You can order with MC, Visa, Amex, or Discover from Public (software)
Library by calling 800-2424-PsL or 713-524-6394 or by FAX to 713-524-6398
or by CIS Email to 71355,470. You can also mail credit card orders to PsL
at P.O.Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705. The product identification number
for XLIB is 11077.
PHONE NUMBERS ABOVE ARE FOR ORDERS ONLY. Any questions about the status of
the shipment of the order, refunds, registration options, product details,
technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc,
should NOT be directed to PsL. Direct all such questions to TechniLib.
2) Through CompuServe:
Use GO SWREG (shareware registration). The program identification number
is 1778. The program title is XLIB 4.1.
3) By mail to TechniLib:
Complete and mail the form in REGISTER.FRM
Improvements in XLIB Version 4.1 Over Version 4.0
Version 4.1 is minor upgrade. The exception handler under version 4.0
did not properly manage keypresses. This problem has been corrected in
version 4.1. A minor bug has also been corrected in DONTREAD.ME.
Previous registrants can upgrade to XLIB version 4.1 for $10. Send
all such orders directly to TechniLib. Registrants to version 4.0 may
upgrade to version 4.1 at no charge. Simply run the program PATCH4.EXE
and follow the instructions it provides.
Communicating with TechniLib Via Electronic Mail
You can communicate with TechniLib via CompuServe electronic mail. Direct
mail to account 74730,167.
Instructions for Constructing Protected-Mode Libraries for Microsoft
The following batch file uses Microsoft LIB to combine an OBJ file with
XLIB.LIB to produce a protected-mode library. Call the batch file using the
base name of the OBJ file as the argument. This base name will also be given
to the library. It is assumed that the OBJ file and XLIB.LIB are in the
current directory. LIB.EXE is assumed to be in the ..\BIN directory.
@echo on
del %1.lib
..\bin\lib %1.lib /noi +%1.obj+xlib.lib;
The following batch file uses Microsoft LINK and LIB to combine an OBJ
file with XLIB.LIB to produce a protected-mode library and quick library for
Microsoft BASIC 7.0. Call the batch file using the base name of the OBJ
file as the argument. This base name will also be given to the library and
the quick library. It is assumed that all files apart from LINK.EXE and
LIB.EXE are in the current directory. The current directory must also
contain the file QBXQLB.LIB (included in the BASIC distribution disks).
LINK.EXE and LIB.EXE are assumed to be in the ..\BIN directory.
@echo on
del %1.qlb
del %1.lib
..\bin\link /q/nopackf xlib.lib+%1.obj,%1.qlb,,qbxqlb.lib;
..\bin\lib %1.lib +xlib.lib+%1.obj;
The following command may be used to create a quick library from EASYX.LIB.
The quick library is called EASYX.QLB:
..\bin\link /q/nopackf easyx.lib,easyx.qlb,,qbxqlb.lib;
Instructions for Constructing Libraries and Linking with Borland
The following batch file uses TLINK to link an OBJ file from TASM with
XLIBB.LIB to produce a DOS-extended executable. The base name of the OBJ
is supplied as an argument to the batch file. The executable will be given
the same base name as the OBJ file. It is assumed that the OBJ file is in
the current directory and that TLINK is in the ..\BIN directory.
@echo on
..\bin\tlink /3/c %1.obj,,,xlibb.lib
The following batch file uses Borland TLIB to combine an OBJ file with
XLIBB.LIB to produce a protected-mode library. Call the batch file using the
base name of the OBJ file as the argument. This base name will also be given
to the library. It is assumed that XLIBB.LIB and the OBJ file are in the
current directory. TLIB is assumed to be in the ..\BIN directory.
@echo on
del %1.lib
..\bin\tlib /C %1.lib +xlibb.lib+%1.obj
Borland C and Turbo C users can compile within the IDE; however, they must
use the command line linker because an option will be needed which is not
included in the IDE linker. In particular, the /3 option will be needed to
enable processing of 32-bit segments. The appropriate commands to TLINK will
depend upon the memory model being used. The following batch command will
link a program called MYPROG with a library call MYLIB under the large memory
model. The batch command must be issued from the directory containing
MYPROG.OBJ. It is assumed that TLINK is in the ..\BIN directory and that
MYLIB.LIB is in the ..\LIB directory. It is also assumed that all of the C
link libraries are in the ..\LIB directory. The resulting executable will be
called MYPROG.EXE and the map file will be called MYPROG.MAP. The command
line is lengthy and is therefore broken into two lines below.
--------------------- model specification
. ----------------- obj file name
. | ---------- exe file name
. | | --- map file name
. ______ ______ ______
..\bin\tlink /3/c ..\lib\c0l myprog,myprog,myprog,
..\lib\mylib ..\lib\fp87 ..\lib\mathl ..\lib\cl
----- . .
| -------------- model specification
----------------------------------------- lib file name
To link under the small memory model, replace "l" with "s" at the model
specification characters. Use "m" for the medium model; "c" for the compact
model, and "h" for the huge model.
NOEMS and Equivalent Options
Numerous of you could never get previous versions of XLIB initialized
because you were running your memory managers with the NOEMS or equivalent
option. This problem should be corrected under version 4.1, but we suggest
that you avoid NOEMS. If you want the upper memory area used by the page
frame than try FRAME=NONE or equivalent option.
When EMS is present, VCPI has control of the machine. This means that
XLIB must work cooperatively with VCPI when performing switches to protected
mode; otherwise, XLIB would cause a protection violation (exception #13).
VCPI is a subset of EMS. When you declared NOEMS, it appeared to former
version of XLIB that VCPI was absent. The latter assumption was false,
because the memory manager was hiding VCPI behind the NOEMS option. XLIB
then proceeded to perform uncooperative mode switches. This then generated
the exception. Version 4.1 takes measures to detect a deceptive memory
General Debugging Instructions
Neither Turbo Debugger nor Codeview will be able to debug protected-mode
instructions. However, you should still be able to use the debuggers for
real-mode areas of your programs. Just step over calls to protected-mode
Debuggers tend to have problems when XLIB is initialized for DPMI. Use
VCPI instead. You do this by setting bit 0 of IFLAGS. Of course, a VCPI
driver needs to be loaded. EMM386, QEMM386, and 386MAX all have VCPI. You
cannot run VCPI in Windows or OS/2.
In the event that you can debug under DPMI, then you will have to remember
that XLIBE and XLIBEB attempt to trap exceptions in real mode, including
debug exceptions and breakpoints. You better turn these features off by
setting bit 1 of IFLAGS. This disables all exception trapping and prevents
remap of hardware interrupts.
Be sure to read the documentation about the new debugging functions in
XLIBE.LIB and XLIBEB.LIB. These can be used in protected mode. The new
exception handlers are going to make life much easier also.
Instructions for Debugging in the Borland IDE
To run the IDE debugger, XLIB should be initialized for VCPI. However,
under the default behavior of the IDE, a VCPI program will not be able to
allocate extended memory within the IDE. There are potentially two reasons
for this. First, the default behavior of the DPMI kernel under which the
IDE operates is to claim all EMS memory and convert it to DPMI memory.
Since VCPI seeks extended memory through EMS, no extended memory will appear
to be available. To limit the memory consumption of the DPMI kernel,
include a statement such as the following in the batch file used to invoke
the IDE:
set dpmimem=maxmem 2000
This statement limits the memory usage of the DPMI kernel to 2000Kb. If
EMS memory exceeds this amount, then EMS memory will be available to the
IDE. However, EMS memory will not be available to a VCPI program running
within the IDE if the IDE has itself consumed all EMS memory. Therefore,
one may have to limit EMS memory usage of the IDE. This can be done in the
OPTIONS|ENVIRONMENT|STARTUP menu of the IDE. Typically, EMS memory usage
should be set to zero here.
Known Bugs/Peculiarities in Memory Managers
1) All versions of QDPMI appear to map physical address spaces incorrectly.
The actual mapping call will succeed; however, this call affects QDPMI
internally such that subsequent calls to allocate extended memory do not
function correctly. This means that MAPIO and PMMAPIO will not work
reliably with QDPMI.
2) Version 1.03 of QDPMI does not handle exceptions properly. The exception
handler receives the wrong value for the interrupted SS on the stack.
As a consequence, XLIB will not be able to terminate a program after an
exception under this version of QDPMI. Reboot will be necessary. This
problem may also exist in previous versions.
3) QDPMI apparently does not function properly when the NOEMS option has been
used on QEMM. NOEMS typically should not be used with any memory manager.
If you need the space normally allocated to the EMS page frame, then set
FRAME=NONE (or equivalent option) instead of using NOEMS.
4) 386MAX versions 6.X and 7.0 leave interrupts disabled after calls to
certain VCPI memory management functions. This means that when VCPI is
being used, interrupts will be disabled after calls to PMGETMEM, PMFREEMEM,
5) 386MAX version 7.0 does not properly report the virtual debug status
register (virtual DR6) upon debug exceptions. Consequently, the DR6
value presented by the XLIBE exception handler will not be valid. This
version also fails to clear debug breakpoints upon termination, as required
of DPMI 1.0 hosts. XLIBE corrects the latter problem by clearing
breakpoints itself when terminating.
6) 386MAX version 7.0 apparently mismanages exception #13 from real mode.
When the XLIBE exception handler attempts to terminate after such
exceptions, a second exception #13 occurs. This has not proven to be a
major problem. Simply ignore the second exception.
386MAX version 7.01 apparently corrects all of the above problems found
in version 7.0. Qualitas has made a patch available to implement these
corrections. Download the patch from the Qualitas BBS (301-907-8030). The
patch for 386MAX is M701R.ZIP. The patch for BlueMax is B701R.ZIP.
Real-Mode Exception Trapping with DPMI Version 1.0
DPMI 1.0 enables XLIBE to trap exception in real mode. This makes XLIBE
potentially useful to programmers who would otherwise have no interest in
protected-mode programming. Simply place a call to INITXLIB early in your
program and link with XLIBE.LIB (XLIBEB.LIB for Borland users) to implement
this feature.
386MAX version 7.X is the only DPMI 1.0 host of which we are presently
aware. Version 7.01 is an outstanding product.
Contracted Programming and Consultation
TechniLib will perform contract programming at competitive rates.
TechniLib will also serve as a consultant to other programmers. Contact
TechniLib through the channels presented above.
Improvements in XLIB Version 2.0 Over Version 1.0
1) Procedures enabling protected-mode programming in C using inline assembly.
2) Protected-mode file routines which can transfer extended memory to files
or files to extended memory. Sequential and random access are supported.
3) Better interrupt management services.
4) User-defined descriptors.
5) More descriptors.
6) More configurability.
7) Minor bug fixes
8) Better documentation.
Improvements in XLIB Version 3.0 Over Version 2.0
1) Files included in Borland formats.
2) EASYX library included for those unfamiliar with assembly langauge.
3) MAPIO and PMMAPIO procedures added to XLIB for accessing memory-mapped
input/output devices.
4) Better documentation
Improvements in XLIB Version 4.0 Over Version 3.0
The principal improvement in version 4.0 is the inclusion of libraries
with exception trapping capabilities. XLIB 4.0 can trap all protected-mode
exceptions. If DPMI 1.0 is installed, then real-mode exceptions can be
trapped as well. These libraries also contain new functions for managing
debug watchpoints.
XLIB 3.0 was limited in that it did not allow the main program to spawn
other processes. This limitation has been corrected.
The global descriptor table has been made public in version 4.0.
PMPRINT.ASM has been replaced with PMIO.INC. The latter contains better
print routines as well as new keyboard and speaker routines. PMIO.INC is
designed for either MASM or TASM.
The MOVMEM routine in EASYX has been redesigned to be faster and to be
reentrant. This routine may now be called in the main thread, in interrupt
handlers, or both.
Microsoft BASIC 7.0 files have been included to illustrate usage of EASYX.
Version 4.0 corrects certain bugs and makes accommodations for anomalies
in BIOS and common resident software.
The most severe bug in version 3.0 was a mistake in the include file
XLIB.INC. The combine type on segment DSEG was set to FAR_DATA, whereas it
should have been DATA.
A second bug caused the machine to crash with a call to INITXLIB when
certain memory managers were used with the NOEMS option.
Version 3.0 did not preserve the interrupt flag through mode switches.
Instead it always enabled interrupts after the switch. This lead to awkward
situations when attempting to use SWITCHPM and SWITCHRM in interrupt handlers.
Version 4.0 always preserves the interrupt flag through a mode switch.
A bug prevented SWITCHPM and SWITCHRM from being reentrant under VCPI.
This bug existed in both versions 3.0 and 3.1. This would have caused a
problem if nested mode switches were being performed, as would be the case
with calls to DEFLECTPM or other mode switches within interrupt handlers.
Certain versions of SMARTDRV.EXE do not restore the global descriptor
table register. Version 3.0 was not prepared for this
Certain BIOS software interrupts return with interrupts enabled. Neither
version 3.0 nor version 3.1 were prepared for this anomaly. It caused the
machine to hang upon certain hardware interrupts, keypresses in particular.
The other bugs were applicable only when running XLIB in the absence of
VCPI and DPMI (HIMEM.SYS only or no memory manager at all). Accesses to
extended memory failed in some cases. In some cases the machine was left in
an unstable state.